Okay, I'm a follower. I like the blogs Delores and Doug and Andrea and Brent have so much, I decided that our family should have one as well. We just had Thanksgiving and it was a great time. Everyone was here and we ate ourselves silly and played Harry Potter Scene-It, napped, and watched Polar Express. It was really a fun and relaxing day. I took a picture of the Grandkids (they are beautiful) and some of Stef with her kids.
The next morning, Stef, Em, Sarah and I (Mandy had to work) did our annual "Black Friday" day after Thanksgiving shopping.....up at 4:30 a.m., hit the stores by 5:00 a.m., shop 'til we drop. Usually, it's only Stefany and I who make it all day, and we did, finished about 3:30 p.m., and we were both EXHAUSTED, but we sure got some great deals. I should have taken some pictures of the lines, but I didn't think to take my camera with....have to keep those hands free for grabbing merchandise......
Well, hopefully I've done this right. Probably will have screwed it up as I didn't read any directions, just winged it as usual. Like Mom used to say, when you don't know how to do something, fake it, and pretty soon you'll know. hahahaha Love to you all, Helen.
I must have good taste because you all chose the same template as me! I'm glad you've joined the blog party. It's so much easier to keep in touch this way, especially with pictures. I think you and I are a lot more computer savvy than my mom. She's still having trouble posting pictures :) Anyway, your grandkids are so big! I can't believe how grown up they look. I was picturing a few babies in there, but they're not babies anymore! They are beautiful. Congrats on your black Friday shopping. You'll have to tell me what deals you got and where you went. I didn't brave the stores until around noon, but Jett was a good shopping buddy :) Love you and miss you. Andrea xoox
I loved your blog too... and it is not that I don't know how to do a blog, it is that my stupid connection to internet out here is retarted. I can hardly get on the internet at all when at home. Any picture comes up blurry (it can't handle it). I do get the words though... Doug and I are finding the library sites, and we have now found an internet cafe... we hope that will help our Blog problem!!! You do have cute grandkids by the way. I thought they looked rather old, too! I guess it is just us getting old! Keep up the good work on the blog...it is fun to keep up with everyone that way. Love ya, Delores
Helen, you have to make it so anyone can post comments on your blog... Tell it you will accept "anonymous" comments and then people can write to you without having to have a blog first.... :) Delores
I hope this works. I have never posted on this blog. I just wanted to say cute pictures. Thank you for taking my pictures on the Build-a-Bear disc, and fixing them for me. I am going to scrapbook them for my dad. I know he will appreciate it. Thank You again.
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