Sunday, December 11, 2005

It's Almost Christmas

My neighbor's and my condos. Very Festive.
Welcome to my house! Small, but cozy.

My little Christmas can't see the lights, they are cute.

I have most of the presents.......

I have my tiny tree......small but very pretty when it's lit up - sorry forgot to move the phone and blanket.

Well, another week closer to Christmas and I still can't really get out of the house to take some pictures of the kids. I've still been SICK this week. I think I must have the swine flu or the bird flu or the Christmas flu. Everytime I start to feel better and get busy doing something, I have to lay down. Really SUCKS. Anyway, it's got to go away sometime, hopefully. Stefany helped me put up my "few" decorations and I'm almost done with my shopping (thanks to BLACK FRIDAY). I've made four batches of caramels, but still have four more to go to cover everyone that wants them. (That may have been a BAD tradition to start) hahahaha. Scott is still doing really well with his not smoking. (I call him nonCigarette-Smoking-Man - that's an X-files reference that probably only Andrea will get). So thanks for the prayers and the names in the temple. If I get feeling better, we are planning to ride down on Trax to see the lights at Temple Square, so hopefully, I'll get some pictures of that.

Otherwise, we are all doing well. I feel like Christmas is coming way too fast. Two weeks being out of it (no comments - like how can I tell?) have made it come even faster. I can't sing, so I had to quit the Christmas program for the Choir. Also, it's really cold here. HAHA I'll bet you guys can't believe that, but it really is. Feels colder here than it has in years. Maybe because I'm sick? I've even turned my heat up to 65! Well, be good, I promise I'll do a better job on the blog from now on. I hope I did this one right, I'm sort of delirious. Take care. We love and miss you.


At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Just testing to see if Anonymous can add comments.

At 6:42 PM, Blogger Music Mama said...

Sorry you've been sick for so long. Know how that goes...we all still have a little cough and stuffy nose that just won't let go. I like your Christmas decorations :) Two weeks from today!! Woo Hoo!!! Please enjoy the temple square lights for me. I really miss them this time of year. Love Andrea xoox

At 5:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you are sick, too. I hope that you have a better week that the last two. Your christmas decorations are great... Ours are a little sparce. Hopefully I will be able to post my blog on Wednesday this week. We don't have a lot to say this week, but at least you'll know we're alive. Love ya! Delores

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea yea yea----bla bla bla...why not call it I kill myself===Really! I love your blog really and you too. Forget the carmels for us till you feel better in January or March......We can all live with a few less calories although they are a wonderful gift. (personally, I would just rather have you come over and play some games and get us in the holiday mood and eat) Feel better, love lulu (thats LaRay for all you nonbloggers)


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