Sunday, September 24, 2006

Cameron fell down in the playground and hit his head on a cement railing. He wanted everyone to see his "conked noodle". Poor thing, he's a real boy, so he's always getting banged up. Posted by Picasa

Well, I finally got my camera back, but I loaned it to Sarah to take some pictures of the puppy and her new house. They are quite dark, I've got to look at the settings on the camera to see what's wrong. Anyway, her house is beautiful, and they are thrilled to be in it. The girls love having a backyard and a "real" neighborhood.

Butters is really cute. He's a lot smaller than he looks in the pictures, but they are having a blast with him. I told them they need to train him to stay on the Pergo like Delores and Doug did with Mickey, at least he did it when they were there. I personally think when they weren't home, Andrea always let him do whatever he wanted, hahahaha. I know she'll be jealous about the puppy. She's wanted one every since she had to leave Mickey.

Poor Camie fell down and his head was a mess. He wanted me to see it immediately and I couldn't get over there, so they emailed me the pictures and I gave him sympathy over the phone. See, Delores, sometimes, the phone is the only way, even for those of us who are close enough. Anyway, it's much better now.

Everything else is doing well. I hope to get my new shots by next week and hopefully, they will make me feel better. I'm 35 pounds lighter, but this is NOT a good way to lose it. Have a good week. Love you all. Helen xoxoxoxoxoxox


At 9:45 AM, Blogger Music Mama said...

Sarah's house is really nice. The yard is wonderful! I don't know what garage door opener story my mom is talking about, but I'd love to hear it. You're right, I am jealous of the puppy, but I'm not going to get one until my littlest child is 5 or more...well, maybe 3... Today I'm off to box up my garage. Hopefully the kiddos will cooperate. I also have to do laundry and address Brent's birthday invitations and pay bills. Man, I hope I can get it all done! None of it can wait! Oh, and we're out of milk. Clearly I didn't get much done last week. I'm glad to see the blog! And I think we'll be seeing you in June! Keep your fingers crossed. Love Andrea

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The garage We had just bought a new garage door opener for Tom but when we pushed the reset button to program it the neighbor had opened their garage at the same time and programmed their opener to ours also. They had realized this later that day but we had left already. Thanks to good neighbors they made sure our garage was shut before they left. The next day we were laying in bed and heard the garage door opening, since we were alone we knew there was something wrong. When we went outside the neighbor was standing there laughing, we just reset the opener and theirs had stop opening ours. What a good way to meet your new neighbors especially in your pj's.


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