Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This is my little blanket baby, he's got his grammy's genes. (Check out the cute toes)!

Posted by Picasa Well, here are a few pictures of Ethan. He's being tortured with this little weird ball. He loves to touch it, but it gives him the creeps. It's so funny. He's growing so fast. He's like a little entertainment center. Everyone is doing well. I think my sick time is getting a little shorter each day. I sure hope so. I go to the doctor tomorrow, so I'll report what happens. LaRay is still in misery, her arm is killing her all the time now. Surgery is a certainty! Just can't fit it in now that our weekend girl quit. We are back to working 6-7 days a week, and with us both sick, we are ready to throw in the towel. I'd love to if I had any money, hahahaha.

I still don't have my camera, Emily does, but I'm going to get it back this week because Sarah just got a new puppy and he's the cutest thing. I'll post pictures of the puppy and the kids on my next blog. I'm trying this new way to post with the Picasa program, don't know if it's working very well. Oh well, hope everyone is doing well. Love, Helen xoxoxoxoxox


At 6:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

CUTE! - but you are torturing him, I am gonna tell!! I love that little bugger. He is soooooo cute. How come I can't have any more grands? hum????? Love you, your sisty ugler, lulu

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Stef said...

I love your new set up,beautiful. The very first picture of him is my favorite, what a handsome little boy. Can't wait to see pics of the puppy. Love, Stef

At 3:12 PM, Blogger News from Doug and Delores said...

I loved the pictures as well... they were so funny! I guess poor Ethans parents are just like all of us were... to poor to go out so we stayed in and let our babies entertain us! And they are too much fun to let the time fly by!!! Be sure to let me know what the Doctor says. I hope that you get to reduce your medication. Maybe you will get well enough to visit?!? :) We love you! dnd


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