Sunday, August 13, 2006

Tiffany's Homecoming

Stephanie is a proud grandma and mother. She should be. What a great family!

Such beautiful girls, Brittany, Melanie, (Toby) and Tiffany. The sisters were SO happy to have Tiffany back, especially Brittany.

Michael is so much fun to be around, he kept us laughing the whole time.

I could not quite get him smiling without his hands in the way.

I think Toby looks just like Tyler. He's very sweet natured, too. He must get that from Tiffany, hahahaha (Not really Tyler)

Toby's so big, I can't believe we haven't seen him before.

She could be a model and he could too!


At 5:26 PM, Blogger News from Doug and Delores said...

Thanks for the updated pictures. I love to see them all. When does Ethan get his little helmet? It will be hard for Emily, but not if she thinks about it "long term". Andrea's little harness was kind of hard... she couldn't sit or crawl or walk... but she did get great finger dexterity! I am still glad that we did that... she has never had any problem with her hip... if we had ignored it or done the triple diaper thing, I am sure that she would have had to have a hip surgery! It will be fine! All your grandkids are getting so big. They are all darling. You look sooooooo skinny! You are melting away to nothing! Like you said, if you keep loosing weight, you won't be diabetic anymore! I hope that you get feeling better soon! I love you! Delores


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