Saturday Swimming and Brunch?

They all ate about 6 oranges each.
A trick even I remember doing as a kid.
Mandy ordered a salad bar for each of the kids and they literally cleaned them out. They had honeydew, cantalope, oranges, and really had a good time. When they say "all you can eat", these kids went crazy.
Emily has four more weeks. She is so swollen (you can tell by her face). She has pitting edema in her ankles (when you push on them, your fingerprint stays pushed in). She's ready to deliver that little boy now!
Sarah about died when she saw all this food. She's been dieting and exercising every day at lunch time (the hospital has a great facility). She ended up taking most of it home.
The grandkids always know where to go for paper and supplies.
If only I had more room, I could do a better job of organizing things. But they say, the smaller the space, the more need for organization, right.
Pull apart shelves, bought one at a time at Wal-Mart, but they work great.
This is the "poor man's" system. Plastic drawers.
You know you are old when you have to label your drawers. hahahahahaha
I don't know if this really runs in the family, but I know it's easier to keep neat when you live alone.
Well, we had a good day yesterday. It started out really busy, I had to run about 15 errands, including to the distribution center to return some clothes for DnD. They ordered some temple clothes, but they were a bit small. The pants I got for Doug, I can't imagine them fitting him, especially with the name "portly" in them, but that's what they wanted. We took the kids swimming again and everyone had a blast. Even Emily came in with us. She wore a teeshirt and Scott's swimming trunks to fit around her belly. hahahahahaha Not that she's fat, she's only gained 24 pounds this whole pregnancy, but she didn't have a suit to fit. We had a great time, did some laps, sat in the hot tub, and tried not to stand next to Sarah in her bikini (her diet and exercise are working, she's getting pretty buff).
After swimming, we went for brunch at J.B.s. Stef and I were in the mood for Mexican, but we got out-voted, so we went along. I didn't get very many pictures this week, because no one wanted their picture taken since we had just been swimming (no make-up and hair kinda rough). However, they all looked really good. They took a picture of me and Stef and Stef looked good, but I didn't think a blog was any place to post a picture of me without hair and make-up done. Yikes, I'm scary enough with it.
These other few pictures are especially for Andrea, "the organizer", just to show her she's not the only one obsessed with oraganization. I'm not this organized in every room, but my office stuff is different.
Anyway, we are all doing well. The weather changes every single day here, one day freezing cold and the next kinda warm. Saturday, it started out freezing, then in the middle of the day the sun came out and it warmed up. By last night, there was a freezing wind and rain. WEIRD. Anyway, it's better, from what I here, than Alaska or NewYork, so I'm not going to complain. Hope you are all well. Leave your comments. I promise to get some better pictures next week. Love, Helen xoxoxoxoxoxox
It's funny how you think you are so clever and unique as a child, and then it turns out the orange thing has already been done. I love the blog and hope to see more pictures next week. I always want Mexican, too, but Brent hates it so I rarely get to indulge. Your organization looks lovely, and from what I see on HGTV, you're supposed to label your drawers regardless of age :) I cleaned out my bathroom closet on Friday and almost put that picture up (mostly for my dad who built the shelves when he was here) but decided people might start to think I'm totally nuts. Be sure to enjoy those kinda warm days. I don't think we'll be seeing any of those for another 4 months. How depressing. Love you! Andrea xoxoxo
Well, I would like both of you to come to my apartment and get me organized. I usually am at home, but I don't think that we have stopped long enough to worry about it here in NY. I still have the box of office supplies in a shoebox next to our bed. (At least I know where they are!) I loved the pictures, too... Kids are a lot more fun when you are the grandma! When ours were doing that we hated it and wanted them to grow up... now it's funny!
Yesterday Winter came back to NY with a vengence. It is suppose to snow and blow for the next 10 days. It is miserable when you have to walk anywhere. But, it would last another 4 months so I am not complaining... sorry Andrea!
Keep up the good work on the blog. Thanks for the temple clothes. We will be expecting them soon. Talk to you later. Delores
Make that won't last another 4 months... sorry!
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