Sunday, January 01, 2006

It's a New Year--Unbelievable!

Krissy and Niki got some money from their Grandpa Bob, so they decided to use it at "Build-A-Bear". They got to go through the process of "building" and choosing everything for the bear they wanted. They choose outfits for them and push on the pedals to help the ladies fill them with "fluff". They can make them as soft and gooshy or as firm as they want them. What an idea! They had a blast.

They make a big deal of each customer choosing the heart for their bear (they do a dance with the heart, etc) After the bears are stuffed, the hearts are sewn inside.

The bears have been stuffed and now have to have a bath to make sure they are clean to go home.

After they get all put together, before they dress them, they have to be blown dry from their bath. If you look closely, you can see the fur being blown from the yellow "blowdryers".

Krissy chose a Kong bear, complete with fatigues and dog (monkey, I guess) tags. They even got birth certificates stating the date of birth, name, etc. Really cute.

Niki's bear was a "special addition" that won't be around forever. I LOVED the shoes (check out the bunny slippers and clogs).

The girls were so proud of their finished products and happily posed by the tree.

LaRay and Kerry are doing their best impression of Vanna White.

Short by one sister . . . and we feel it.

Kay didn't want his picture taken, but we made him. And Shadow was guarding him.

Let's get this party started. . . Happy New Year.

Hailey and Bailey (notice Bailey's teeth - or lack of them. She keeps pulling them out).

I love being a mom.

Mother and daughter hug.

What is there to eat, Stef? (Scott's new haircut....brrrr).

Official party queen.

Triplets, plus one.

Logan, Cameron, Grammy, and Cedes playing "Trouble".

These guys are "Clue"-less.

Hailey just missed it. . . she fell asleep at 11:30.

Happy 2006!

This year's gotta be better than last.......

I'm laughing now, but wait until I have to clean up this mess.

Kelsee was still awake and having fun.

Cameron, too.

Well, I can't believe the week has flown by, but it's a new year. We've had a lot of fun this week and done lots of fun things. During the week, I went over the visit the Barbre's and I got to meet Krissy and Niki's newest addition to the family - Their "Build-A-Bears". LaRay kept calling them "Stuff-A-Bear", but Krissy corrected her every time, "Build-A-Bear" grandma! They were really cute (her and the bears). Kerry had pictures of the whole process, I just couldn't put them all on the blog. It's sure fascinating though, and the girls had a blast. (Why can't we think up such brilliant ideas to rake in some cash?)

Kay had a tough Christmas weekend - he was really sick, but I got his picture anyway. Shadow is by his side all the time when he is home, but it's funny when he's sick, she like "guards" him. I know that dog knows me, but still barks like I'm trying to kill his darling owner everytime I step in the house. (He'd probably let me kill LaRay - but I could not harm a hair of Kay's head or he'd tear my throat out. He's small, but tough). Kay's feeling a little better now, but we all know what a bad disease that is. FLU! I hate it. LaRay and Kerry posed by the tree in the "cowboy room". Their house looked so pretty and all decorated for Christmas. With my tiny tree and no room for anything, it's a real difference to see a real house with regular decorations. hahahahahaha

My family had a New Year's Eve Party at Stef's house. We just played games, pigged out, and laughed. We played Trouble, Clue, Malarky (Grammy is the BEST liar), the kids version of Outburst, and Guestures. Sarah was definitely the best at Guestures, but I have to admit, that group playing Clue needed to get one - we laughed our heads off over their stupid mistakes. The boys even got a few hands of poker in (they wouldn't let me play, cuz I beat them - told them its cuz I pay my tithing). hahaha

We did our "midnight" thing with party horns and confettii and had a great time. It's always nice to be together. I hope you all have a great New Year and are able to keep all the resolutions you have made. I have only made two or three and hopefully, I'll be able to keep them. I love and miss you all. I'm grateful we have such a close family. Love, Helen xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox


At 6:40 PM, Blogger News from Doug and Delores said...

It looks like you had a fun party! All the kids look so big! Yikes. We are eating the candy (mostly me) and loving every bite. Thanks! Tell everyone hello from us. Love, dnd

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Music Mama said...

Happy New Year!! I can't believe how fast it goes. I also can't believe that all of your grandchildren are blondies! (Except Vanessa, I guess.) I wouldn't have expected that with all of your beautiful dark girls. I was thinking of your family when Olivia got her ears pierced: when I was probably Olivia's age, we visited your house. I don't know if we spent the night or if we were just there for the afternoon. Anyway, I was admiring everyone's pierced ears, and Emily and Mandy showed me how to clip on a pierced earring to the bottom of my ear lobe. They even let me take a pair of their clown pierced earrings. I probably still have those! Good luck with your resolutions. Start on the 9th like my dad says---it takes a little of the pressure off :) Love you, and I'm very jealous of your family gathering. Andrea xoxo

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helen,I hope this works. I have never posted on this blog. I just wanted to say cute pictures. Thank you for taking my pictures on the Build-a-Bear disc, and fixing them for me. I am going to scrapbook them for my dad. I know he will appreciate it. Thank You again.


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