Snow Day

When I asked Stef to take these pictures from the University of Utah, I thought there would be a lot more snow up there, cuz we had a ton in West Valley.
There was actually a lot more snow in the valley than there was up here on the mountain.
You can see how cloudy and dreary it looks.
This is looking out the window at Stefany's work at the U.
Hi. Well, we've had a slow week (even with Valentine's Day). We had a huge storm this last week, something like 150 accidents in the morning commute. It's hard to believe that people who live in Utah still have such a hard time driving in the snow. Well, there was a lot of snow though. These pictures don't do it justice. I was going to take some pictures here, but Stef had my camera this week. Her coworker had a baby and she had to get some pictures of him (what a cutie). Also, they are going to Disneyland this week, and she is taking the camera, so hopefully I'll have some cute ones for the blog next week.
We are all doing well. LaRay and I still have sciatica, but it's getting a bit better. I have had it on both sides this week, so I don't really have a cheek to sit on, hahahahahaha. Russell sent me a quote this week that he used on the bottom of his Principles Agenda for a meeting and it made me laugh. "Most of the work in this world is done by old people who don't feel well. Norman R. Hammond". hahahahaha Made me miss dad. That's kind of the theme of this week as I haven't felt that well - getting to be a familiar tune, huh?
Anyway, have a good week and leave your comments. They are fun to read and it's nice to keep in touch with everybody. Love, Helen.
Nice quote :) The snow looks nice, but the view is better. I sure miss that valley! Alaska is pretty, but it sure isn't my home town. (Ohio was more my home town than this is!!) Anyway, I miss the University of Utah, too! I've been really missing the piano lately. And I guess I should stop being so whiney! I am here to comment that I love your blog, and I enjoyed the pictures even though there weren't any people in them. ha ha ha ha I can't wait to see Emily's new little boy. Will she be induced, or does she just have to wait it out like I did? Does he have a name yet? I was thinking just yesterday, "Man. It is so much nicer now that Jett is sleeping through the night and has a mostly predictable schedule. I don't know if I ever want to mess this up again!" But in three years I'm sure I will---I just have to get Brent on board :) he he Love ya! Andrea xoxoxo
I too loved the pictures of the Valley. I didn't however miss wading through that snow to get to the Huntsman Building!!! In fact, I was going through some pictures that Andrea sent me and there was one with the Girls at my house in Farmington... As I looked at that picture, I realized that I had forgotten what my home looked like. It gave me such a nice warm feeling to have a brief look at it again! I'm not homesick, but I was shocked that it "threw me for a loop" for a minute. Just like Dorothy says, "There is no place like home!" 8 months and I will be there!
I hope that you and LaRay get feeling better. I swear that when one thing goes out of whack it sends something else off the deep end, too! Good luck! I got our pictures on a couple of discs that I am going to send you... You are very brave! Thanks for everything that you do for us. We love you and pray for you always. dnd
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