Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hey, We're Still Here!

Our newest adddition Ethan is just the sweetest thing.

Hey, It's my 5th birthday today! (Kelsee)

Hailey and Kelsee, close playmates and cousins.

Yummy, birthday cake!

Hailey and Cameron are standing by in case she has any trouble blowing out the candles.

Bailey and Ethan. Emily has NO TROUBLE getting someone to hold the baby. Everyone wants him.

Sort of a weird angle (up the nose), but you can see how dang cute he is.

Cameron is such a good big brother. He loves to help his mom with Ethan.

April 2, Cameron turned 5. We had his party on Saturday at Classic Skating. He's the second "triplet" to have his birthday. (Kelsee, Cameron and Hailey were born within 6 weeks of each other, so we have always called them "the triplets".)

This picture is blurry, but it was a good look at how red the kids were in the face when they got through playing. I wanted to join them, but alas, adults weren't allowed.

Hailey, Bailey, and Kelsee, having fun.

After an hour of bouncing, climbing, and basically running around, we moved into the party room. Vanessa was really good about helping with the little kids.

This is the special "Spongebob" Party room. Bailey, thinks it's pretty cool.

You can see, they are still red in the face from all the "bouncing" they did.

There were Spongebob TV's in the party room for games, and Spongebob music you could play over the loadspeaker to the room. That was really annoying.

Here he is with his "Spongebob Cake". We had a really good time.

Emily brought the kids over today, and they were totally pooped. Look how Ethan has his hand up under his face, cute, cute, cute.

Well, I bet you thought we fell off the edge of the earth, but no, we're still here. We've been out of commision for 2-3 weeks because someone lost my USB cord to my camera (Stefany) and we had to order a new one. It took a couple of weeks. Anyway, all is well now.

Everyone is well and happy. The kids have all been healthy, except for Ethan who has had a few problems since his birth, but nothing serious. A thyroid condition and some stomach problems. Otherwise, he is great (and totally adorable). It's so much fun to have a new baby in the family, I forgot how much fun.

I've been having a hard time with my new shots (twice a day) for my diabetes. The shots make me sick so I've lost a little weight because I can't eat. That's got to be good for me. But, it's been a challenge as well. I'm going to keep going on them for at least 3 months to see if they lower my hemoglobin A1C which is at 10.1 and should be 6.5 or under. If the shots work, I will stave off insulin for a while longer (maybe forever). Anyway, so far, they seem to be helping my blood sugars, course it's hard to tell when you can't eat, hahahaha. It's getting better than it was the first week though, so I'm sure I'll adjust. I thought I might have trouble giving myself shots, but it hasn't been a problem. I give them in my abdomen, and it really hurts less than the finger sticks. (Just call me Nurse Ratchett).

LaRay is still so sore from her fall, and is really having a hard time working right now. We sometimes wonder how dad did it for so long. Between me with my diabetes, LaRay with her injuries, and Delores with her heart problems, we are a real matched set. I thought about it when President Hinckley was speaking at conference. I just don't know how he does it (well, yes I do). He's amazing and makes me feel guilty for complaining about any sickness.

Well, I'm done for this blog. Can't even think of anything new except Scott had another birthday as well on April 3rd, he's 22. Didn't get his picture, but I did take him to lunch and we both got food poisoning, so that was a fun day. hahahahahaha Take care everyone. We love and miss you. Be good. Leave your comments. Love, Helen.


At 11:44 PM, Blogger Music Mama said...

I must be sick, but I laughed my head off about the food poisoning. That's just not right! The picture of Ethan and Cameron sleeping together is just precious. I hope Ethan is doing well and gets all of his problems worked out. That can be scary. He is a beautiful boy--I can't remember Jett being that little. That Spongebob part looked pretty cool to me. I could probably sing along to all of the Spongebob music! ha ha ha. Whenever the girls are watching it on TV and it breaks out with "Whoooooooooooooo lives in a pineapple under the sea..." Jett perks right up and watches intently :) I'm glad your shots are going well. Tell LaRay to get well soon. Glad to see a new blog (finally!) Love Andrea xoxo

At 2:19 AM, Blogger News from Doug and Delores said...

I am glad to see the new blog, too. It is great! Ethan is a cutie pie! The sleeping picture is my favorite too... they are going to be such pals!

I am going to go ahead and have my surgery here if we can line up the doctors for our insurance. It makes me sick when I think about it, but someday I will be glad that I did it... hopefully! I hope that you and LaRay get doing better soon. I feel for you... really, I do!

Hopefully I will get a blog up soon. Until then, Love ya! Kiss all the kids for me! Delores

At 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't mind helping with the easter egg hunt!!! It's actually nice to see everyone since work is a main thing in life(bummer)I cant spend everyday with my family in which now i wish i could (ok not every day but more than i do now)


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