Wednesday, August 16, 2006

LaRay's New Kitchen!!!

Sorry, had to fix this. This is the other view I left out. I put one picture in twice. Sorry.

Her kitchen is all "hickory" wood and is just beautiful. It sure makes a big difference in her house. There is so much more room in there now, it seems like a completely different room. And there are little wooden signs on the walls (above the sink and door). One says "Happy Trails" and the other says "Love me, Love my Horse". All her dishes and stuff are cowboy stuff, horses, spurs, hats, etc. Really, really neat.

Ryan made these beautiful shelves from cabinets that got broken being shipped. He does beautiful work. Kind of the way dad used to talk about Uncle Homer being such a beautiful "finish carpenter".

The wood is much more beautiful in person. And you can actually have more than 2 people in the kitchen wandering around without noticing it being crowded. Ryan et. al. did such wonderful work. LaRay is totally thrilled.

You really have to see it in person to get how pretty it is. They wanted to do a deck and patio doors, but ran out of money. It is just so beautiful though, and I can't believe the difference it makes in the feeling of the house. I just love it. I told her I want floors just like them. They are beautiful. And I love the hickory wood. They took down the railing as well, and it's much nicer without it. I was afraid I might fall off the edge, but it's really not dangerous and if you did fall, you'd just fall on the fluffy cough, hahahaha. I'd probably crack something anyway. Did the blog early, just for Andrea. Love, Helen xoxoxoxoxoxox


At 3:49 PM, Blogger Stef said...

I can't believe how beautiful it looks. I need to go by and check it out. I love the colors, it looks bigger with the light colors. LOVE THE FLOOR!

At 7:15 PM, Blogger News from Doug and Delores said...

I think that it looks beautiful as well... When I think how long she has had the "stick on tiles" on the floor (that we did when she moved in!) I can't believe it. How could they have made it that long??? They had some kind of glue on them!!! I can't wait to see the kitchen in person! With all the People that she has there all the time, I bet it is nice to feel like you can all fit in!!! Thanks for the "extra blog". I am going to try to get one up here soon! I have some great pictures... Talk to you soon! Love, Delores

At 5:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOBODY is happier about this beautiful kitchen than myself!! Yes - Delores and I worked like DOGS to get it to look nice and it did for a long time. Ryan did a wonderful job and didn't even complain about all the weekends. The floor was a nightmare...because of water leaks from the Dishwasher it was as wavy as the Atlantic! He had to literally "CHIP" up the old floor that he had laid down 5 years ago cause he glued it down so good!! It was all worth the 3-month (nearly) mess and dust! I need Merry Maids!!! hehehehe. None of you can love and appreciate it as much as I do. The pics are different now - the Dishwasher is covered in Hickory and is beautiful. We still have kick plates to put down but just ticky tacky stuff (probably will never get done if I know carpenters in their own home!) Love you all...Thanks Helen for doing my BLOG!!! hehehehehe love lulu

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Emily said...

That kitchen is beautiful. I can't believe that was micheal he is huge. Bob and Steph's kids look really good. Her baby is a cutie. My baby i love all the pictures i get of him since i borrowed your camera i cant put it down he makes different faces every day. I love your blog mom it looks so good.

At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi from Ohio!
I always read the blog, but I never write anything, but Andrea lectures us on not leaving messages so... Hi. Everything is great here. We are all setteled in and Jeff is now in his third week of med school. I am working in an emergency room as a clerk full time, so we are pretty busy. In case you haven't heard yet we are expecting a baby in March and are very excited! I better go but it was fun to see all the pictures and we are sorry we missed Tiffani's homecoming.
-Laura Pack-


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