Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bailey was showing off her tumbling/gymnastic skills.

Well another couple of weeks has passed. We celebrated Logan's 11th birthday on Friday and went to see "Open Season". That was pretty funny, but still not as funny as Over the Hedge. I nearly split a gut on that one, might have to buy it. Anyway, Logan had asked for an Ipod for his birthday, but his parents told him they couldn't afford it. But they did get it for him and even Bailey kept the secret. He had no idea he was getting it and it was fun to see him so excited. He loves music and Stef loaded it up with his favorite songs. He can load his Harry Potter books on there as well, or go to Itunes and spend his gift card for more songs.

Everyone seems to be doing well. Scott looked good in his new long leather coat, very dashing and Spike-like. (Buffy reference). The kids were all happy and noisy and showing off their skills from their tumbling class. Vanessa and Cedes went as guests with Logan and Bay to their tumbling class and they all loved it. Bailey is really a go-getter, and can do back-bends and flips and stuff. She is not afraid of anything, but she scared the hell out of me a couple of times. Anyway, it's fun to see them all together. Cameron was having a blast with that "whoopee cushion". I don't know what is so funny about farts to little boys, but they sure tickle their funnybones.

I'm feeling better, but I don't think this smaller dose is working very well on my blood sugar. It's gone up about 20-30 points and I may have to go back to the 10 mg shots. I hate to do it, but if I can keep my sugars down in a good range and keep losing weight, maybe I can give them all up eventually. Oh well, what the hell.....our familiy history will kill us all eventually with something no doubt. Anyway, we love and miss you all. Leave your comments if you want, I'd love to hear from you. Love, Helen


At 6:42 PM, Blogger Music Mama said...

I'm sorry the shots aren't working. I hope you start to feel better soon. Victoria is obsessed with bodily functions, so she would have found Cameron and the Whoopie Cushion hysterical! I can't believe Logan is 11, either. But I liked his ipod. Neat green color! Talk to you soon. Love Andrea

At 2:48 PM, Blogger News from Doug and Delores said...

Logan just can't be 11! Where on earth does time go... I don't believe that it is moving until I look in the mirror and wonder who that fat old woman is!!! Then I know that somehow time has slipped by again.

Time is moving forward fast for us. We have two weeks and two days to go! We packed another 4 boxes (16 X 16) yesterday. I keep thinking that there won't be any stuff left to pack, but when we think about it, we still wonder if we will get it all in the Jeep. How on earth did I get everything packed to bring it here!?!?! We really haven't bought or added to our things that much. I guess, like me, it has just expanded!!!

I am sorry that the shots are not working... hang in there! Maybe they just need time to start working! We will keep you in our prayers and hope that it all turns out ok. We love you and will see you soon! Delores & Doug

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Those pictures turned out great mom. I'm going to get a picture of when they casted his head well try anyway i hope they give me a copy. Well if they do i will give it to you to put on your blog. love you Em

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Stef said...

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At 11:43 AM, Blogger Stef said...

I love the pictures. I was so glad Logan was surprised, we got him good. I didn't know that your shots weren't helping. I hope it gets better. Let's work out tonight and that might help. Love You. Stef


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