Sunday, December 18, 2005

Making Caramels and Christmas Crafts

Cutting waxed paper squares without Grandma's rotary cutter and board is a slow process.
Finger Painting with butter.
Grandma says sugar is bad for you, but the calories don't count in caramels.
Corn Syrup? Who's kidding who, that's just more sugar
The secret ingredient is "Eagle Brand".
Mixed ingredients have to be constantly stirred or they'll scortch on the bottom. (Expensive mistake).
Drop in cold water, roll in ball, pop in mouth. That's my kind of testing, better than using a thermometer.
Tastes great, but not quite done. More tests needed (YUMMY!)
More stirring, more testing......finally done!
Only 'moms and grandmas' are allowed to perform this dangerous trick!
Cooled caramels, ready to cut!
Mom says if you want to cook, you have to clean up.
Mom does the cutting, she learned from a pro.
The only thing you need for wrapping caramels is patience and CLEAN HANDS!
The finished product.....only need 2,000 more, hahahahaha
Caramels, YUM! Hailey is an official "taster". The best part of making caramels is always eating them.

Cameron and Bailey loved making these Santas (With Grandma's superior cutting skills) This is Logan's idea of a Christmas craft, trying to see if he can punch holes as fast as the conductor on "Polar Express"
This has been a much better week. I've made about 6 batches of caramels, done some Christmas Crafts with the kids, and got my last minute shopping done. Vanessa had another "University of Learning" project (Flat Vanessa was one of them) and she decided to show her class how to make caramels. Her teacher even gave permission for everyone in the class to "try" one. Usually, homemade things are not allowed. Sarah documented it with the camera and I thought the pictures were so cute, I decided to put them on the blog. I sure hope she gets an "A".
Today, we got the kids occupied and then listened to "The Forgotten Carols". I read the story and we listened to the songs. It was really great and fun for me to something spiritual with my family. It's really fun to have Santa and gifts, but it's nice to be reminded of what we are celebrating. It was a little disorganized, but not too bad, and Logan stuck it out for the whole thing, being in charge of adding the ornaments to the tree when we came to each one.
I feel so much better this week and am so thankful Christmas is so close. LaRay and I actually have Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off (thanks to Julie), so it will be a nice relaxing holiday, I hope. We are planning on spending the day on Christmas eve, eating, opening presents from Grandma, and enjoying each other's company. Christmas day, we have only Sacrament Meeting, so then I will go to each house to see what Santa brought. I'll probably even get a nap if I'm lucky. I hope you all have a great Christmas and we can all remember the Savior and what we are supposed to be celebrating. Love to you all.


At 10:47 PM, Blogger Music Mama said...

Caramels....mmmmm....I'm drooling! Vanessa is so beautiful! She looks a lot like her mother to me. And I enjoyed the Santa crafts. That's the kind of thing Olivia and Victoria really get into. I'm glad you're feeling better. Being sick stinks, trust me, I know this year! I have been doing some freezer cooking and have to go defrost about 25 chicken breasts. Keep the blog coming. I always love it! Oh, and you definately deserve a few days off for Christmas, so I'm glad you have it coming! Enjoy the holidays! Love Andrea xooxox

At 6:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the blog, too. Vanessa should for sure get an A on her class if her teacher gets to taste one of the caramels! She is getting so beautiful, too. I evnvy you getting to have your grandkids around for Christmas, but next year... I will too. Glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you are going to get some well deserved days off! I'll call on Christmas (afternoon during your nap!) Have a great week! Merry Christmas! Love, Delores

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The caramels what a pain to do but boy is it worth seeing everyone enjoy them, even myself! The request for them gets bigger every year, sometimes I think why did I even start them but you won't be around forever so I will have to take over. Hopefully mine will be just as good as yours eventually. I really enjoyed the Forgotten Christmas Carol, If only I were alone I could've enjoyed it more. So we should try again. I still cried even though I missed most of it, Boy am I just like my mother which I'm proud of! Love, Sarah

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kerry and I really enjoyed reading the blog...too bad we never do anything exciting (except making tree ornaments and fun of our husbands!!) It made me hungry for those dang carmels - hurry up.!!! Love ya always and forever the Barbre gang.....they ALL always ask how you are doin - even the dumb ones.


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