Here's the only Captain Jack I prefer to the original......Scott.

Ness in full pirate garb. There were lots of pirates this year....wonder why????? I have SUCH GOOD TASTE IN PIRATES....

Sarah was a party pooper this year - didn't dress up.

We went to the hospital to see Sarah, and got this pic with Scooby Doo. (Dr. Dittrich).

Bailey - Bride of Something-or-other!

Cedes made a cute witch.

My little Kelsee was a princess (how fitting for she is one).

Vanessa was a pirate girl. Here she is without her hat and eye patch.

Hailey was Ariel.

What a complete dork! I HAD to try this ostrich on....we laughed for 15 minutes. That hat makes it goofier than ever.

Here's Scott, Vanessa and Hailey, with my Captain Jack pumpkin.

Believe it of not, this is Logan. He was so excited about his "Bleeding" mask, his dumb grammy forgot to get one of his actual face. Cameron had a mask just like it, only without the blood.

Bailey was a zombie bride and you can see Ethan's penguin hat.

Here's Cameron without his "scream" mask. I was so stupid not to get Logan without his.

Ethie was a cute penguin, with a hat that fit over his helmet, but he barfed on his black sweats first thing. He was so sick that night, all congested and couldn't breath with his binky in his mouth, but still happy enough to smile. What a good boy he is!

Emily riding an ostrich - and the hat really adds to the beautiful ensemble. We laughed.

Side view of "the ostrich". It was hilarious.
I think you look alot better in the costume then i do you need to wear it next year and see how i froze my butt off with that fan blowing to keep it inflated oh yeah that was so fun and cold but it was funny to see the reaction people gave me when they saw it they took a double take and cars slowed down as they passed me it was funny. Love you Em
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