Welcome Home!

Linnea and Russell - they are having another grandchild next year (Claudia). That will be 18 or 19 for them, I'm not sure. NOT FAIR.
I could not get a good picture of Bob - he's going to kill me for posting this, but it's the best one of the day (really). Steph is beautiful enough to take the focus off of him (hahahaha).
Here's three people who are having a hard time "fitting" in the picture. Kay had sunglasses on, but I made him take them off. (Rock star)
Chelsea and Julie - BEAUTIFUL - both of them. Chelsea is a camera buff and has taken some really cool pictures herself. I'll have to post some of them sometime. She's really artistic.
Michael almost escaped and Tyler, Melanie, and Toby DID escape before I could get my batteries recharged to take some pictures.
Ben and Kerri and their darling little boys, Milt and James.
Here's the whole gang, Kay and I took turns taking the picture, so I'm in this one and he's in the next. Still too dark to see well.
Here's the whole gang with Kay - My camera does not do "inside" pictures well. Sorry. I think I'm gonna switch back to my old camera...it's a longer wait between pictures, but much better quality.
Ben, Linnea, and Kerri. Not the best picture of Kerri, she'll probably kill me.
This is James (Ben and Kerri's little guy). He LOVES Pirates of the Caribbean (a man after my own heart). He went down to the "Norm Hammond Memorial Theater" and watched Pirates, happy as a clam to be down there all by himself. What a little cutie.
Tiffany dumped her boyfriend, and is now free to "date" new people. She's so beautiful, (and looks like her dad) it shouldn't be hard to find one.
Well, I finally got a minute to post these pictures from the Welcome Home. Doug and Delores both really did a great job with their talks, very inspiring and their testimonies were impressive. I enjoyed the meeting and I know everyone else did. It's nice to have them home, but I think I communicated more with them while they were on their mission, hahahaha. True of Andrea and Jeff as well, hahahaha. Oh well, I love the blogs, just for keeping up.
Ethan had emergency surgery on Monday, but is home now and all is well. He had a bowel obstruction but it's all fixed. I'm feeling better (still) but not quite right about it, ya know. I feel like my medicine must not be working if I'm not upchucking, hahahaha. Guess I'll see for sure at my next check-up.
Gotta run pick up Vanessa from school. Love to you all. Leave your comments. xoxoxoxoxoxox
Beautiful job...everybody looks happy. I love seeing the family but miss seeing them more often. I wish I had the strength to have a huge Christmas party for all of us. Of course, we would have to reserve the church!!. Norm and Velma would be very proud of their "little family". Not so little. I talked to Aunt Irene on her 87th B-day and it was so nice to talk to her. She is fine and seemed so happy to hear from us. She would love for anyone to call her. (her b-day was on the 4th as well as Deannas). Love ya all....aunt lulu
I loved the pictures of everyone, too. I will just have to have people read your blog and then I won't have to post mine... it is going to be hard and long. Maybe I should do it in sections!
I was so sorry to hear about Ethan. I hope that he is doing better and stays that way. He is having a hard time this first year of life. I'm sure that it will get better!
Thanks for all the nice things you said about us! I'd like to think they are true! :) Talk to you soon! dnd
Wonderful blog! I wish I could have been there. I miss getting together with everyone and being in the middle of the noise. We just watched Pirates 2 last night for the first time. Brent didn't like it, but I did! Although it's hard to end a movie without resolution. It just means more is coming, though!! I didn't know Tiffany had dumped her boyfriend. You learn something new every day. Love you! Andrea
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