Darling Kelsee, she was so excited for Christmas - I had trouble communicating what I wanted her to do for her picture . . . this is her "shy" look.
Cedes got a really cute jewelry box - and rings and earrings. She was happy about that. Did not get her two front teeth, however, as you can clearly see. . . . . .
Kelsee and Cedes having a mid morning "tea party".
Ian and an excited Kelsee.
Emily helping Cameron "make bugs" with his strange easy bake oven thingy - Cool for boys though. Camie doesn't look as if he appreciates his mom's help.
Camie got this portable DVD player. Notice the picture in the background. I gave the girls pictures of them and their daughters in "the Kingergarten dress". It turned out cute. If we can save the dress for another 15 years, maybe THEIR daughters can get their picture in it as well when they are in kindergarten. FUN.
Cameron was so proud of his Wrestling Champion belt, he tried it on for me immediately. He's going to kill me over this one when he gets older. Great blackmail picture.....
Ethie was asleep when I went over on Christmas morning to see what Santa brought. He is just the sweetest thing. It won't be long until he gets rid of the HEAVY helmut - His head is looking really good.
Grammy can handle the Ipods and figure them out fine, but these hand-held games are a complete mystery to me.
Here are just a few of the wonderful gifts Bailey and Logan got. The "snake" pillow is a speaker for his Ipod.
Bailey was SO EXCITED to get her Ipod. What a great gift. And check out the cool and beautiful T-shirt!
Logan with his PSP game thingy (hahaha - don't have a clue) and his new Eagles Jersey.
Happy Holidays! We had a wonderful Christmas and we were all spoiled. Especially grammy, as usual, the kids always spend too much money on me. They gave me a clock radio/I-Home for my Ipod. It's just SO cool - I can plug my Ipod into it to charge it, to wake me up in the morning, or to play it outloud. The sound is wonderful (better than some of the other devices I've heard for Ipods), and it charges my Ipod, which is almost constantly in use, without having to plug it into the computer. They also gave me some cool Jack Sparrow stuff (Jack Sparrow Doll, Davey Jones doll, POTC Chess Set). They gave me some Nike running shoes that are really light and I don't trip while walking in them, hahahaha. There are many more pictures but I couldn't post them all. Make sure you check out Stef's blog at nielsenstef.blogspot.com.
I hope you all had as wonderful a Christmas as we did. We spent lots of time together and laughed a lot (which of course is lots more important than any presents). I love and miss you all. Love, Helen xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Looks like you all had a great Christmas! Ethan is looking so grown up. Columbus is great and we are starting to get ready for the baby (10 weeks left). We love and miss everyone.
-Jeff and Laura-
Love the pictures of the kids. I guess I better get working on mine. This year was a good Christmas, sad to see it over. Love, Stef
I loved the pictures of all the kids. All of our grandkids are getting so old I can't believe it. I thought that Mom and Dad were pretty old when they had grandkids this age, but I am discovering that they were not (or that we are???).
We are having a good time in Alaska. It is beautiful but cold. We will be home on January 8th in the morning... Andrea would probably love the peace and quiet, but Brent is leaving at 4:00 PM the same day for 4 months, too. She will be here all alone with the kids. I am glad that she has good friends and ward members here. I am sure that she will be fine... possibly lonely (especially without Doug and I :) but fine!)
I hope that you are all healthy and happy. We are! See you soon! Delores and Doug
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