Samantha was a sweetheart. She was so much fun to be around and always made everyone laugh. She loved her family so much and always wanted to be around them. Her little cousins looked up to her so much and she was a great example. We lost her too soon.
One thing that I remember about Sam is that she loved Johnny Depp (such good taste in a young person). One day she came home from school and said that she was having a contest with this "other" girl at her school to see which one was the biggest JD fan. She knew that she was related to two of his "biggest fans" (and I mean that in every sense of the word), LaRay and I. She came to us with this "test" that listed all kinds of obscure things about Johnny and she wanted us to help her get every question right so she could prove that SHE was his biggest fan. We had a blast helping her and gladly told her all we knew (which is lots). I printed some pictures of him for her room and she got a big kick out of that. LaRay and I LOVED it!
Another story that I heard recently might be more about Val than Sam, but it shows the sense of humor of Val. They were sitting in Young Women's, Val, Sam, and one of their advisers together when Sam got up and walked out. After a few minutes, the advisor whispered to Val, "What's wrong with Sam". Val shrugged and said she didn't know. So the advisor said she would go check on her. When she got outside, she saw Sam pacing back and forth and asked her what was wrong. Sam told her she was having an anxiety attack and may have forgotten to take her medication that morning. She said, I'll be fine in a couple of minutes, then I'll be back in. So the advisor went back into the classroom and sat back down by Val. She told her what Sam had said and asked Val what kind of medication Sam was on. Val said, I don't really know, except I know she's on something for her acne. The advisor said, "Well, that couldn't have anything to do with an anxiety attack." And Val said, "Maybe she was feeling ugly today!"
I have lots of wonderful memories about Sam and Halloween. Paul and Cheryl have been bringing the kids by my house on Halloween for years. I have pictures of her and her sisters almost every year. She was always "into" Halloween and had a lot of fun.
Sam is missed. I do like thinking back about the happy memories and funny stories. I thought it would be good to do this blog, then others can comment and tell their favorite story about Sam and this could be a little journal about her for all of us to read - for some to get to know her better and for others to look back and remember fun times and memories. If you would like to comment, just click on the "make a comment" button. If you don't have a Google account, make yourself one - its not hard and they don't ask for any information except your email. Then you can share your feelings and memories with all of us. Maybe we will get a laugh and have a good cry, but mostly we will remember our dear one with happy memories. I'm looking forward to reading others memories about Sam.
Sammie, we miss you, especially your S-M-I-L-E!!! Love you xoxoxoxoxoxox
The pictures of Sam were so fun to see. She is beautiful. I remember the day she was born and coming to the Cottonwood Hospital to see her. December 23... she shared a B-day with Joseph Smith! She was beautiful that day and she is to this day! What a sweet member of our family! She will be missed by all of us.
Dearest Sister, Thank you more than words can say for all the things you do for us. This blog of Samantha is beautiful and I am so happy you made one. She truly will be missed and we are struggling each and every day with the loss. I want to tell you how much it means to have all the beautiful scrapbooks you made for Kay and I. We were looking through them and there are a gazillion pics of all of us with Sam. How would we ever know how special they would be as the years go by. I love looking and remembering what a beautiful little girl she was. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts. All our love, Kay and LaRay
This is not the happiest memory for me of my Sammie. I remember Paul saying Sebastian, Sams dog was not feeling well and vomiting. I said, bring him in on Saturday and we will run some bloodwork and do some x-rays. They brought Sebastian up and he looked like death, he had death breath, which is a sign of kidneys failing. Im no doctor but when I saw his x-rays I knew his Kidneys were alot bigger than they should be. We ran bloodwork only confirming his fate. Cheryl, Sammie, Chel, Val and Savannah had just come from the movies and were going to pick him up. I was crying so hard because I knew my niece would lose her best friend and the one who knew her deepest feelings and secrets. I remember the look on her face, I could have just died. I ran and hugged her, she was in shock. They took him home but later returned to put him to sleep and out of his misery, unfortunately the Dr. was at dinner so I got to put Sebastian down! What a wreck I was and so were they! Afterwards the girls came and had a sleepover! We stopped and got icecream, that helps everything! The girls and Colton were in the room playing X-box and I had Savannah in bed with me with my big golden Sam. Savannah said, aunt Julie you have 3 dogs cant I just take big Sam home cause my dog is in heaven? A little guilt I felt, but my answer was can we share him? She agreed! I miss Sammie so much and she is in my thoughts constantly! I have alot of funny stories but I needed to tell this one. Sammie you are forever loved and missed! Love Aunt Julie XOXOXOX
These words grow more precious each and every day...I can say after one and a half years, it doesn't get easier, I just cry less but at strange times, especially in church or being reminded in music, birthdays and anniverseries. There is a huge hole in our family and in our hearts. Mikayla and Samantha would have been seniors this year and Mikayla is going on with a heavy heart. Mikayla is a beautiful and brave girl and tells me often how sad she is about Sam. She is a beautiful and mature young woman and a wonderful example to her sisters. Be sure and pray for her cause she is really going through a rough time right now and especially misses her "twin" cousin. Thanks for all your love and care and for taking the time to write in Helens "Journal" blog. Love, LaRay
Samantha was an amazing person i miss her so much I may have only known her for about 3 years, but she touched my life and I was very happy to know her. She was always in at least one of my classes in from 7th-10th she was a great person I wish I could have gotten to know her a little better.
My Sammie, it’s weird to not have her here. Its weird seeing her little sisters grow and smile and feeling guilty that I get to spend the time with them that she doesn't. I only wish Val and Rose know the deep deep love I have for them. I told Sam once when I was really young that if something were to happen to me if she would make sure Carly and Georgia knew me and knew the love I had for them, and had someone to watch after them. Though Sam never asked the same thing of me I try my hardest to make sure Val is doing ok that she won't get beat up:). I hope I'm doing enough. I still talk to Sammie every night while lying in bed I ask if I do enough no answer surprise. I tell her about Spencer and how much he means to me and how terrible I feel she never meet him. I ask her to help her parents, they are such great people and I only wish the best for them. I wonder what I can do if I do enough to help them. This is a wonderful blog I have many wonderful pictures of Sammie I would love to post them or e-mail them to you. Somewhere Sam is looking down at the family she helps guide Val and teaches Rose how to be sarcastic she is in the shows those girls used to watch together. She is with me when I dance she is with me when I talk to her. :) I know Sam is ok I know "Carl's Grandpa" is with her I just wish she could hold my hand through the days I need her most the days I need to ask advice I just wish I had said goodbye during the closing of the casket.
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