You can see the "burned" spot on his shirt when his dad tried to iron on his patch. This game was the day of Stefany's surgery. Grammy had to repair the shirt later.
It was HOT!!!!
Getting some last minute batting advice from coach. He has improved so much since he started playing. He got a hit every single time he was up to bat except one.
The Champions!!! They never lost a game. (some they won 25-0). Cool team - Of course, Logan was the best player on the team ( in my humble opinion).
Jeff and Laura came out and had lunch with LaRay and I on the day she took her nursing test. It was fun and probably the last time we will see them for a while as they are on their way to Ohio for Medical School in a couple of weeks. It was a fun day.
Laura tried to hide and move out of the picture, but I finally made them pose for me.
Has Jeffrey started drinking beer with all the worries of Medical School on his mind????
Ha, ha, it's just Sassperilla....
Clapping for Cedes at her school program, Emily, Ethan, and Hailey.
Bailey was excited to see the program, but she never got too far from Ethan. Sometimes we get tired of hearing her say, "Can I hold the baby?" She's a great help though, and will make a good mom someday. She's still mad at Stef cuz she can't have any baby brothers or sisters, hahaha.
Mandy was a proud mom that day. Cedes loved having us all in the audience for her.
Kelsee was totally enthralled with the program. I couldn't even get her to look away for a picture.
Cameron copies everything Logan does. . . Of course grammy gave them the gum.
Logan just insists on making faces when I try to catch a picture of him. It's pretty bad when you can see him "gum"!
Here's Vanessa watching the program. She had her "university of learning" program a month or two earlier and grammy forgot the camera - bad grammy.
Cedes had a school program at the end of first grade to show all the parents all the things they've learned. It was really a cute program, but I couldn't get close enough for a better picture. She is right in the center in the back row in the white and purple shirt.
Ethan has the cutest smile and the funniest giggle. Emily can get him giggling so hard. It just cracks us all up. He's more fun to watch than TV.
See, he has some fat rolls now, and is getting a double chin. All since I told Emily to start giving him cereal. He LOVES his food, so we KNOW he's part of the family, hahahaha.
All the kids constantly want to hold Ethan. But they are all pretty good helpers, especially in fetching and carrying, hahahaha. Cedes loves her cousin.
Emily tends every weekday. She sometimes has just a few, and sometimes all of the kids. When they start school in a couple of weeks, she'll have a couple of hours of peace with just her and Ethan.
Cameron loves his brother. Ethan is growing so fast! He finally got rid of his torticollis (weak neck muscles) but now he has to get a helmet because his head is flat on one side. Poor little baby, but I'm sure his head will turn out just right. He's so adorable and growing by leaps and bounds.
Here is the cute picture of the grandkids that went to Hailey's Party. Cedes and Kelsee weren't able to go that day.
Well, this is a bit diconnected, but at least it let me add all the pictures this time. They are kind of clumped together, but be sure to read the other one below this about Hailey's party. For some reason, it wouldn't let me put them together.
We are doing fine. It's taken me so long to update, mostly because I've been too sick to care, hahahaha, and maybe laziness??? Anyway, we are all fine. We had lunch with Laura and Jeff before they left for Ohio and it was really fun. They are a nutty couple and made us laugh.
The baseball was exciting, and the weather cooperated, so it wasn't too bad. Stefany was really pushing herself though, just having had her surgery, so I couldn't complain too much about anything. I enjoyed seeing him play and seeing what a good sport he is. Some of the kids cried when they got taken out of the game or made a mistake. He DOESN'T DO THAT. Thank heavens. (There's no crying in BASEBALL). He's a great player and I really love watching him play.
Ethan is really doing well. He does have to have a helmut, and it'll bug Emily, but it has to be done so his head will straighten out. We don't want a lop-sided head on our "darling" baby. But it will be a pain for him, poor thing. He's doing well, otherwise, growing so fast. And his low thyroid problem is corrected with medication and is doing well. We all love having a baby in the family again and fight over him. (If I'm around, I WIN - Grammy trumps everybody). hahahaha
Well, This is long enough. Hopefully, It won't be so long before I get another one done. Leave your comments. Love to you all, hope you are all doing well. Love, Helen xoxoxoxoxox