Hi everybody. As you can see, Stef and Josh and family got to go to Disneyland this last week. They had a great trip. It was a Christmas present from Josh's mom and stepdad - seems like that's getting to be a tradition. This is about the second or third trip they've been on with them. The stretch limo was a fun surprise. Tom (Josh's stepdad) also surprised them with it at the airport going home, so they had a blast. I'd like to go in a limosine at least once in my life, and not just at my funeral! hahahahahaha
Stef said they really had a good time, but it was crowded. At one point, a little handicapped boy in a wheel chair grabbed Bailey and wouldn't let her go. His parents were trying to get his death grip off her (and couldn't unclasp his fingers) and Bailey was screaming at the top of her lungs. When they finally got him to let go of her, she was really upset, but the poor kid was just trying to give her a love or something. He liked her. His parents were so apologetic. Also, she had a funny experience with the "Cruella Deville" character. I guess she was really rude and mean to the kids. . . just staying in character. But Stef said, some of the kids didn't think it was that funny. The parents sure got a kick out of it though.
Other things happening this week. Emily's bowling friends gave her a baby shower and she got some really cute things for "Ethan". She's got a couple of weeks left and is dilated to one and a half and is slightly effaced. Her ankles are still huge and she's miserable. Mandy walked her around last week at the mall, but it didn't do anything except wear her out (and probably caused more ankle swelling). Anyway, she's basically on bed rest right now, to try to keep the swelling down. Hopefully, we will have good news next week. But as I tell her, you just have to wait until he wants to come out!
Everyone else is fine. LaRay and Kay are doing okay but Kay had a couple of mishaps this week. The first one was he was trying to knock some icicles down (big ones he was afraid might fall on the kids) and one fell on LaRay's car and put a big dent in it. He also thought he'd help LaRay by putting the sheets in the washer in nice hot water. However, he also put the Cable Remote Control in with the sheets. LaRay had to fish it out of the very hot water, but it was already dead (drowned). Hahahaha I just about lost it laughing on that one. Some weeks are just like that.....
Well, that's about it for now. I miss you and love you all. Hope you will leave comments or email me. Love, Helen oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox