Wednesday, August 16, 2006

LaRay's New Kitchen!!!

Sorry, had to fix this. This is the other view I left out. I put one picture in twice. Sorry.

Her kitchen is all "hickory" wood and is just beautiful. It sure makes a big difference in her house. There is so much more room in there now, it seems like a completely different room. And there are little wooden signs on the walls (above the sink and door). One says "Happy Trails" and the other says "Love me, Love my Horse". All her dishes and stuff are cowboy stuff, horses, spurs, hats, etc. Really, really neat.

Ryan made these beautiful shelves from cabinets that got broken being shipped. He does beautiful work. Kind of the way dad used to talk about Uncle Homer being such a beautiful "finish carpenter".

The wood is much more beautiful in person. And you can actually have more than 2 people in the kitchen wandering around without noticing it being crowded. Ryan et. al. did such wonderful work. LaRay is totally thrilled.

You really have to see it in person to get how pretty it is. They wanted to do a deck and patio doors, but ran out of money. It is just so beautiful though, and I can't believe the difference it makes in the feeling of the house. I just love it. I told her I want floors just like them. They are beautiful. And I love the hickory wood. They took down the railing as well, and it's much nicer without it. I was afraid I might fall off the edge, but it's really not dangerous and if you did fall, you'd just fall on the fluffy cough, hahahaha. I'd probably crack something anyway. Did the blog early, just for Andrea. Love, Helen xoxoxoxoxoxox

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Has Grammy's obsession spilled over to real life? No, he's not a real pirate, but he will steal your heart.

I stole this one off Emily's blog -

Cameron on the first day of school in his "Spongebob" shirt.

Ethan loves his little Bouncer chair. He'll play and play, especially if the kids are "entertaining" him.

Emily and I were goofing off, and she tried her glasses on him. He looks very smart, right?

Here's my little Pirate Boy. What a cutey.

Well, again, I can't post pictures all on one blog, so there are three today, look at the pictures below of Tiffany's welcome home as well. It was really nice. She gave a great talk and had so many wonderful experiences on her mission. Brittany and Michael also spoke and they both did a really good job. Cute kids, all of them.

Melanie and Tyler's baby, Toby, is such a little doll. He was definitely worth the wait for them. I'm so happy we finally got to see him. It would have been a crime if Delores had seen him before us since she's been gone for a year. Jeez, does that tell you we NEVER drive north? (or south, east, or west if we can help it). Hahahaha. We just stay home.

This is a short blog. Everyone is doing well. LaRay's arm is still bad, but her kitchen is done and beautiful. I'll put some pictures of it on the blog next week so you can see it. I'm a little better, haven't been as sick in the last couple of days, (haven't been eating either though, probably not good). Love to you all. Helen

Sunday at Bob's

We are missing four people, (Russell couldn't come until later in the day) and of course, Delores and Doug. It was a really nice day.

I was very impressed with Tiffany's "boyfriend". He seems like a great guy and fun to talk to.

Tobin Butcher. What a little doll he is.

Cute bunch of people. We really enjoyed our day. Their back yard is beautiful.

Tiffany's Homecoming

Stephanie is a proud grandma and mother. She should be. What a great family!

Such beautiful girls, Brittany, Melanie, (Toby) and Tiffany. The sisters were SO happy to have Tiffany back, especially Brittany.

Michael is so much fun to be around, he kept us laughing the whole time.

I could not quite get him smiling without his hands in the way.

I think Toby looks just like Tyler. He's very sweet natured, too. He must get that from Tiffany, hahahaha (Not really Tyler)

Toby's so big, I can't believe we haven't seen him before.

She could be a model and he could too!